Monday, October 12, 2009

Slective amnesia would be nice sometimes...

I want to kick myself sometimes. Or just find a way to delete certain sections of my brian, a la Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, only successfully. I want to forget that certain people affect me in certain ways - more accurately, I want to forget about them, and how to contac them. I want them out of my life, without the small hole that appears when they go. Too much to ask? Yes. Damn. What now? Oh yeah - there's that whole handling things like an adult and moving on, and up, and out, whatever direction gets you farther. And yet, there continues to be this small tether, rooting you to a particular point in time and space. Makes me think of a fly tied by a thread for a pet. Poor fly! Poor "owner"! My present self raelly wishes my past self had avoided certain times, places, people... Ah, so it goes!

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