Tuesday, April 28, 2009

time out

I literally took the time today to pull off to the side and just bask in the world. You know, smell the grasss, watch the clouds, listen to the birds. They're all stil lout there. I highly recommend taking a few minutes to rediscover them. Just sit, and breathe, and be. I found my mind wandering back to the paper I need to write, the teaching appointment I was just assigned and am disappointed in, the dinner I was going to make when I got home... all of those things that keep us going and going and going but never getting anywhere. But at least this time, all of those not-so-fun-to-think -about things were not at the forefront, clamouring for attention. Instead, they floated about in my brain, first one coming to the fore, and then another. All were softened, mellowed, brought back into perspective by the soft glow descending upon the world around me, and interrupted by the redwinged blackbird in the rushes, and diminished by the fresh, sweet, cool air that was so much more important than considering exactly how to word that introduction, no matter how pressing the deadline may be. I love rediscovering life.

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